Ivan Stoiljkovikj wins confidence vote in Parliament
- Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Inter-Community Relations Ivan Stoiljkovikj won the confidence motion moved against him by the European front coalition over his "incompetence and failure to promote ethnic relations."

Skopje, 10 January 2025 (MIA) — Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Inter-Community Relations Ivan Stoiljkovikj won the confidence motion moved against him by the European front coalition over his "incompetence and failure to promote ethnic relations."
European Front MP Dijana Toska elaborated on the motion, saying that Stoiljkovikj, "instead of being a guarantee of harmony and stability, has turned into a symbol of incompetence" in managing ethnic relations.
Among other things, she asked him how the Albanian language and the Albanian flag were respected.
Deputy PM Stoiljkovikj said the reasons behind the no-confidence motion were unclear to him and also to the media and the Macedonian public.
He said the motion was likely prompted by his ethnic background, because "how can a Serb be a minister in the Macedonian government? As if ministerial positions were reserved only for DUI." He called the motion "a marketing ploy" made up to involve Serbs into the Nov. 28 flag burning incidents through no fault of their own.
Stoiljkovikj said he advocated for the equal treatment of all ethnic communities and asked DUI for any evidence that he did not respect the Albanian language. He said the ministry he was at the helm of was running flawlessly and everyone did their jobs even though, as he said, most of the employees were Albanians and DUI members.
He also said that instead of spreading hatred and instability, DUI should take some time to reflect.
VMRO-DPMNE MP Brane Petrushevski said the no-confidence motion was an attempt to score political points based on ethnic issues.
Petrushevski said the real reason behind the motion was "that Stoiljkovikj publicly revealed the crimes in the Ministry while it was led by Artan Grubi, and we know where he is now."
Stoiljkovikj survived the no-confidence motion with 52 MPs voting against it and seven votes in favor. mr/