• понеделник, 29 јули 2024

Finance Minister on MIA's budget: Salary payment in line with law envisaged in budget revision

Finance Minister on MIA's budget: Salary payment in line with law envisaged in budget revision

Skopje, 17 July 2024 (MIA) – Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska Kochoska, when asked Wednesday how much money has been planned for the Media Information Agency (MIA) in the budget revision since only 50 percent of the funds needed for the state news agency to function this year were allocated, said the budget revision envisages salary payment in line with the law.

“Everything in line with the law regarding salary payment, which was the biggest challenge. The problem was that salaries for the staff in institutions were secured only until and including June, even though they knew how much should be paid for salaries,” said Dimitrieska Kochoska.

The previous government, she noted, had overburdened the budget by concluding contracts despite the Finance Ministry issuing negative opinions.  

“The budget has been additionally overburdened because some institutions signed collective agreements even though the Finance Ministry issued negative opinion. Collective agreements were signed that entered into force during the election period without having provided financing in the budget,” the Minister told a news conference unveiling the budget revision

Photo: MIA/Government



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