• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Struga Mayor Merko says to cooperate in any judiciary process

Struga Mayor Merko says to cooperate in any judiciary process

Skopje, 26 June 2023 (MIA) - Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko, who was recently blacklisted by the United States due to significant corruption, said Monday he is open for cooperation in any judiciary process, whereas the municipality would provide all the required documentation.

"Starting from President Wilson until now, the United States of America has been our ally in every challenge and together we have realized many significant projects for the country, the town of Struga and its citizens. I have always saluted and supported the continued U.S. support to our country and its people," Merko wrote in a post at the Struga municipality Facebook account.

The Struga Mayor adds that he refrained from communicating since the news of the designation broke out, for the purpose of the processes in which "I will be open as always, in support of justice, before any judiciary process".

"Struga municipality and I will timely submit all the required information, because I have always been transparent before the justice authorities and other institutions. In the interest of the process, I have decided to freeze all activities within the party structures until all processes are resolved. Finally, let me thank all citizens for the support throughout the years but also the support in recent days. I am certain we will overcome this together, towards creating a better life for the people of Struga and the town we love," reads the press release.

Earlier in the day, the Public Prosecutor's Office (PPO) said four prosecutors are working on the cases related to Merko in the Struga Basic Prosecutor's Office and the Bitola Higher Prosecutor's Office.

Last week, the PPO said there are six active cases involving Merko, adding it is taking seriously the claims by the U.S. State Department over potential influence by this person on proceedings.

The PPO said it would urgently assess the legality and timeliness of actions, as well as the possible influence in the proceedings. The prosecutors who are found to have been acting unprofessionally or acting under influence will be held accountable.

The PPO noted that the six active cases involve the crimes of abuse of office and fraud, while adding other cases initiated by various entities and institutions against Merko also took place over the years.

On June 20, the US Department of State designated Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko as generally ineligible for entry into the United States due to his involvement in significant corruption.

"While serving as Struga’s mayor, Merko misappropriated funds and interfered with judicial and other public processes, damaging the public’s faith in North Macedonia’s democratic institutions and officials. Today’s action sends a message that the United States stands with North Macedonia to foster stability through the strengthening of democratic institutions and addressing rule of law deficiencies. This designation reaffirms the commitment of the United States to combat corruption, which harms the public interest, hampers countries’ economic prosperity, and curtails the ability of governments to respond effectively to the needs of their people," said Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller in a press statement.

Photo: MIA archive