• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Shukova in Brussels: Ready to take our share of responsibility for environment

Shukova in Brussels: Ready to take our share of responsibility for environment

Brussels, 3 July 2023 (MIA) - North Macedonia is committed to aligning national legislation with the EU acquis in the most complex Chapter 27 - Environment and Climate Change, which is falling under the competence of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and whose implementation is a particular challenge, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova said Monday ahead of the bilateral screening on the Chapter. 


"Over the past period, we have taken major steps to improve the situation in almost all areas, particularly in the area of ​​waste management and water management. In addition to exchanging information on what has been achieved, I expect we jointly identify challenges by area, especially in areas that require high investment, and provide strong support both from the European institutions, and from within the state, because only with broad inclusiveness and commitment can we achieve the intended goal," said Shukova. 


The bilateral screening on Chapter 27 - Environment and Climate Change, which will last through July 7, is one of the two longest screening processes. It includes 75 presentations before the European Commission on the situation in the areas of horizontal legislation, waste management, water quality, nature, chemicals, industrial pollution and climate change, MIA reports from Brussels.  


The Environment Ministry is the coordinator for the Chapter, which is one of the most complex and most expensive ones, for all areas, except for the area of chemicals which falls under the Ministry of Health. In addition to these two ministries, the process for this screening includes the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, the National Hydrometeorological Service and the Food and Veterinary Agency.


According to Environment Ministry, due to the complexity of the Chapter and the high investment requirements, approval of longer transition periods for implementation is expected, especially for high investment directives.


Minister Shukova noted that in addition to the challenge of achieving EU requirements by aligning national legislation with the EU acquis and wise policymaking that lead to its implementation, the state and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning also face the challenge of accepting those policies at all levels in society and ensuring an appropriate governance structure.


"We are ready to take our share of responsibility. We count on your leadership, exchange of knowledge and experience to continue our cooperation on this Chapter in the spirit of mutual trust, respect and common understanding in achieving our common goal in environmental protection as well as in achieving full-fledged membership in the European community," Shukova said in Brussels. 


According to the European Commission, Minister Shukova is to meet with EU Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, as part of Monday's opening of negotiations on the association to the LIFE programme for environment and climate with North Macedonia. 


The European Commission is launching on Monday negotiations on the association to the LIFE programme for environment and climate with seven non-EU countries, including North Macedonia, Albania, Andorra, Faroe Islands, Israel, Moldova and Turkey. 


According to the EC, joining LIFE will help these countries spread innovative environment and climate techniques, approaches and best practices that contribute to a climate-neutral, circular and resilient economy, and which protect and restore nature.


Photo: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning