• Tuesday, 24 September 2024

PM Kovachevski meets with coalition partners over French proposal

PM Kovachevski meets with coalition partners over French proposal
Skopje, 1 July 2022 (MIA) - Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski is set to meet with the leaders of the government coalition parties to review the proposal forwarded by the outgoing French EU presidency. The meeting, which launches a process of broad consultations, is scheduled at 11 am in the Government, Kovachevski announced in a Facebook post. "Right after the meeting, the integral proposal will be posted on the government's official website. Throughout the day, in addition to a meeting with the coalition, a series of consultations and talks with experts and members of the media will follow. I have already announced that the whole process will be transparent with the public being informed in details about the next steps. I call on all relevant stakeholders in the society to act in responsible manner. Speculation on vital state and national issues do no good," the PM wrote. He calls on all political actors and the media to rely on official information from the institutions and asks for "constructive behavior and support from all stakeholders in order a wise decision in the interest of all citizens to be made."