• Monday, 07 October 2024

Mickoski heads government delegation at NATO Summit in Washington

Mickoski heads government delegation at NATO Summit in Washington

Skopje, 9 July 2024 (MIA) - The government delegation headed by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski is taking part in the NATO Summit in Washington starting Tuesday, which marks the Alliance’s 75th anniversary. Numerous bilateral meetings with leaders of the Alliance's member countries are planned, but it remains uncertain whether Mickoski will meet with the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on the sidelines of the Summit.

There is no official confirmation from the government regarding a possible bilateral meeting at the NATO Summit. On Sunday, VMRO-DPMNE announced that they lack information about such a meeting taking place. However, they emphasized that international summits of this nature are key venues for the practice of modern diplomacy.

Грдото лице на власта на СДС и ДУИ се корумпираните функционери, кои уште продолжуваат да владеат со тие партии. Венко Филипче кој ја води СДС и Љубомир Фрчкоски кој нема отчет како ги трошел

“So far, there is no information about a possible bilateral meeting with Mitsotakis. However, international gatherings and summits are venues where modern diplomacy is in practice. The need for a new approach in protecting the interests of citizens, negotiating, and especially improving relations in all areas and promoting oneself internationally, fully determines the government’s approach to diplomacy. This approach is based on mutual respect and aims to build friendly bridges, sincere mutual respect and good neighborly relations, Mile Lefkov, VMRO-DPMNE’s executive committee member said, on Sunday.

A meeting is not planned, but the PM could have bilateral encounters on the NATO summit sidelines, said Greek Government Spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis when asked by MIA if the countries' Prime Ministers Hristijan Mickoski and Kyriakos Mitsotakis would meet during the Alliance summit in Washington.

"No, a meeting is not planned, but the PM could have bilateral encounters on the sidelines of the NATO summit," said Marinakis.

Marinakis told a regular press briefing on Monday that the Greek PM would raise the issue of the Prespa Agreement observance "at the highest level", similar to what PM Mitsotakis has said recently.

Nuk është planifikuar, por nuk përjashtohet që kryeministri në margjinat e samitit të NATO-s, të ketë takime dypalëshe, tha zëdhënësi i Qeverisë greke Pavlos Marinakis, duke u përgjigjur në p

"He will raise the issue at the highest level. He will mention the Agreement that is not observed, especially the erga omnes use of the name. He will refer to a series of statements that go against the Prespa Agreement and what has been ratified by both countries. North Macedonia's NATO membership came as a result of this Agreement, but our neighboring country fails to respect even the first page of the treaty. Therefore, it goes without saying that PM Mitsotakis will raise the issue," said Marinakis.

According to the official agendas of Mickoski and Mitsotakis, they will take part at the NATO Summit and attend a White House dinner hosted by United States President Joe Biden.

When asked if there will be a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the upcoming NATO Summit, PM Mickoski said that if such a meeting occurs, he hopes they will maintain their dignity and engage in discussions as partners and good neighbors.

“I hope that we will maintain our dignity and engage in discussions as partners and good neighbors if such a conversation takes place. If it doesn’t, I hope that it will happen soon. Our government’s stance is to seek good relations with our neighbors, to build cooperative bridges, and to view this as a two-way street,” Mickoski said.

Протоколот што вчера го потпишаа министерот за надворешни работи Бујар Османи и неговата колешка од Бугарија Теодора Генчовска е дипломатски нокаут и капитулација, смета лидерот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ

“Until now, I suppose they were used to a one-way street, but now we are the politicians and the government who want to lead a good neighborly two-way street, and that is how we will continue to act,” Mickoski said recently.

The United States strongly supports the Prespa Agreement and hopes that bilateral disputes will remain outside of NATO, said Alton Buland, Principal Director for European and NATO Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, in an interview for Voice of America in Macedonian on Saturday, ahead of the commemoration of alliance’s 75th anniversary in Washington.

The main topics at the NATO Summit in Washington will be providing secure and stable support for Ukraine, enhancing deterrence and defense, strengthening transatlantic defense industrial cooperation, increasing defense production, and reinforcing global partnerships with the Indo-Pacific region.

Before leaving for the USA, Prime Minister Mickoski announced that, in addition to attending the NATO Summit, he will hold meetings with the business community to showcase the country's potentials. He also mentioned a forthcoming foreign investment from a company that ranks among the top five hundred companies in the USA.

The US company Wabtec is to invest EUR 35 million in the country, opening 100 jobs. The company will invest in the production of brakes for rail vehicles.

The new investment was announced by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, who met with the company's representative in Washington.

"Following the USD 500 million investment by Alcazar Energy in a wind farm, which is the largest in the region, and the EUR 20 million investment of the German-Belgian company Epsotech Aim in Petrovec,the U.S. company Wabtec will invest in Macedonia. The Wabtec company is part of the five hundred largest companies in the United States. I had a meeting with the Executive Vice-President of the company in Washington, confirming the dynamics of the new investment. More than 100 new jobs, an investment worth EUR 35 million. Investments will be made in the production of brakes for rail vehicles. More exports for a better future," Mickoski posted on Facebook.

In addition to the government delegation, which includes Defense Minister Vlado Misajlovski, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Timcho Mucunski, and Interior Minister Pance Toshkovski, the Parliament Speaker, Afrim Gashi, is also in Washington. He is scheduled to address the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, held within the framework of the Alliance Summit. Twenty-three parliamentary speakers are expected to attend the event.

Photo: MIA archive