• Saturday, 05 October 2024

PM confirms set of anti-crisis measures for vulnerable groups, rigorous measures for hiked prices

PM confirms set of anti-crisis measures for vulnerable groups, rigorous measures for hiked prices

Skopje, 13 September 2023 (MIA) – The most vulnerable groups, above all the pensioners, welfare recipients, university and high school students will receive state aid with the reallocation of the Budget which has been submitted to Parliament, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday, adding that rigorous measures will be implemented regarding the price hikes in retail.

In answer to media questions, the Prime Minister confirmed the statements of the Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, and Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, that funds have already been allocated for the most vulnerable groups of citizens.

“I think that the financial anti-crisis package should be significant and include several groups of citizens who have a need of additional funds during the winter months, since these groups do not have additional income,” said Kovachevski.

Премиерот Димитар Ковачачевски денеска повтори дека измените во Крвичниот законик, за кој имаше забелешки во јавноста дека се донесени експресно и без претходна јавна дебата, се усвоени со це

The PM informed that on Tuesday, with the economy and finance ministers he spoke about the movement of prices in retail, and they identified unrealistic hikes.

“What we determined from the statistical analyses drafted by experts from the Economy Ministry, but also by external experts, is that there has been an increase in prices and profits in retail. Based on those analyses, the Government will propose rigorous measures and there won’t be pardons. Certainly there will be dissatisfaction, but we will not allow someone to increase their profits amidst a crisis, at the cost of the citizens,” stressed the Prime Minister.

Kovachevski noted that capping prices is another option, stressing that the measures will be rigorous.