• Saturday, 05 October 2024

National Opera and Ballet to present Puccini's "La bohème"

National Opera and Ballet to present Puccini's

Skopje, 16 March 2024 (MIA) — The National Opera and Ballet will perform Giacomo Puccini's "La bohème" (1895) at 8 pm.


Conducted by Bisera Chadlovska and directed by Dejan Proshev, the opera in four acts takes place in Paris.


The set was designed by Zoran Nikolovski and the costumes were designed by Marija Pupuchevska.


The concertmaster is Verica Lambevska and the choirmasters are Jasmina Gjorgjeska and Gjurdjica Dashikj.


Puccini composed "La bohème" to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa based on "Scènes de la vie de bohème" by Henri Murger.


The cast consists of Gjorgi Cuckovski, Blagica Pop Tomova, Marjan Jovanoski, Dragan Ampov, Aleksandar Stefanoski, Biljana Josifov, Neven Siljanovski, Borko Bidzhovski, Jane Dunimagloski, Tihomir Jakimovski, and Dime Petrov, accompanied by the National Opera and Ballet choir and orchestra. mr/