• Monday, 08 July 2024

I Can Because I'm a Woman event celebrates creations by female artists

I Can Because I'm a Woman event celebrates creations by female artists
Skopje, 31 May 2022 (MIA) - "I Can Because I'm a Woman", a concert featuring creations and performances solely done by women artists  will be held Tuesday evening at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle in Skopje. The idea is to show the skill of women as artists alongside all of their other roles, which is why there is a selection of women artists who left a mark, but remained in the shadows. Works by two Macedonian composers, Valentina Velkovska-Trajanovska and Darija Andovska, will be performed at the event. Actress Marija Kondovska will read a selection of poems by Ana Bunteska. The performances of the musical pieces will be done outside of the usual framework, and the poetry reading brings the event closer to a wider, artistically mature and quality audience, as well as creating a symbiotic relationship between music and literature. Flautist Zuzana Gurina will accompany pianists Sara Projkovska and Elena Atanasovska-Ivanovska, who are also the idea creators and organizers of the concert. dk/ba/