• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Xhaferi: All responsible for keeping and developing our common state

Xhaferi: All responsible for keeping and developing our common state
Skopje, 2 August 2022 (MIA) – We have one common state and we are all responsible for keeping and developing it, for us and future generations. This is our debt to those who had fought for such a state, a society of all citizens where our children, grandchildren and future generations will live, educate and create, in a European Republic of North Macedonia, a modern and prosperous country of European citizens, said Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi in Tuesday’s address at the ASNOM Memorial Center in Pelince on occasion of Republic Day-Ilinden. Speaker Xhaferi congratulated the 119th anniversary from the Ilinden Uprising and the Krushevo Republic and 78 years from the ASNOM session, saying Ilinden is the only concept that depicts everyone’s values and foundations, finding the strength to build the future of our common state. “Ilinden clearly defines the general and individual human rights and freedoms, clearly defining the multiethnic, multicultural and multi-confessional character of our country. Events from the past have assured us that unity, clear vision, wisdom and reason are the only natural and attainable ultimate objective. The Ilinden fighters had been aware that by open-mindedness and embracing the benefits that our country offers, we can serve as an example of a new and added value in the region and beyond,” said Xhaferi. He referred to the country’s never-ending challenges and the difficult decisions that have to be made, which frustrates citizens. “We all know that no country has faced bigger obstacles than the Republic of North Macedonia on its NATO and EU path. Unfortunately, our society was eaten away during this process, grouping into camps, traitors and patriots, Europeans and Russophiles, Albanophobes and Bulgarophiles, Communists and VMRO-backers. This did not help the country and unity,” said Xhaferi. Nevertheless, he added, amid these times of divisions, there are still people with clear vision and sincere intent to prevent the loss of something that had been acquired a long time ago, people who saw a bright light and an open door to maintain and strengthen the state’s foundations, its territorial integrity and sovereignty even in the darkest scenarios. “I believe that giving up on everything and stubborn adherence to empty phrases that offer no alternative only reject things, has never been and will never be an option for those who truly love the Republic of North Macedonia. The claim of loving the country but losing oneself, the state and identity is not an acceptable option, because identity is not something that is given or taken away, identity is what we are and what we carry within, what we heard and learned from our ancestors, what we tell and hand over to future generations,” noted Xhaferi. Regarding global crises and security challenges, the Speaker said North Macedonia is too small to fight battles by itself and that is important to be united, adding, “We are not alone anymore because we joined NATO as its 30th full-fledged member and took difficult, statehood decisions that unblocked our EU path”. “We were and still are committed to the establishment and building of goodneighborly relations, supported by international partners and friends. We made the long-awaited step towards the European family by holding the first intergovernmental conference with the EU, which is a sign that we are already in the game after 17 years of candidate status. Is it going to be easy? Of course not, the game has just begun,” said Xhaferi. Prior to Speaker Xhaferi’s address, delegations from the Government, Parliament, President’s Office, institutions and political parties laid flowers at the Pelince memorial center, followed by folk songs and dances.