• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Security Council says situation stable, preparations for possible Ukraine scenarios made

Security Council says situation stable, preparations for possible Ukraine scenarios made
Skopje, 1 February 2022 (MIA) – The security situation in the country is stable and so far, there are no indications suggesting that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of North Macedonia might be at risk, President Stevo Pendarovski stated after Tuesday’s session of the Security Council. Regarding tensions on the Ukraine-Russia border, Pendarovski said North Macedonia, a member of NATO, has done all the necessary preparations for possible scenarios depending on developments in the region, which he called “a potential high-risk zone.” “We welcome diplomatic efforts made at different levels by key factors in the international community, which give dialogue and negotiations a chance instead of weapons and war-like rhetoric,” the President told reporters. In that part of the world, he stated, there have been small but symbolic signs of de-escalation of rhetoric in the past few days, but it’s still early to predict the course of events. As regards developments in the region, the national Security Council concluded that enhanced diplomatic activity of the international community recently have helped tensions subdue, which paves the way toward restoration of dialogue, seen as the only way to settle differences. In addition to the Council’s regular members, including Speaker Talat Xhaferi, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski, Defence Minister Slavjanka Petrovska, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, law professor Nenad Markovikj, professor Veton Latigi, and former defence minister Trajan Gocevski, Intelligence Agency Director Erold Musliu, National Security Agency Director Viktor Dimovski, and Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski, Chief of the General Staff were also in attendance.