• Friday, 04 October 2024

SDSM and DUI agree to cooperate at local elections

SDSM and DUI agree to cooperate at local elections
Skopje, 22 July 2021 (MIA) – Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said in a Facebook post on Thursday afternoon that he and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti have agreed that the two parties will cooperate at the upcoming local elections. He added that they will back each other in the first round in some municipalities, while in the second in others. “I had an excellent meeting with coalition partner and DUI president Ali Ahmeti. We agreed that SDSM and DUI will run together at upcoming local elections,” read Zaev’s Facebook post. The PM stressed that both SDSM and DUI want as many parties from the government coalition as possible to join their partnership. “The process of selecting the best candidates is under way. These are going to be people who are ready and know how to deliver the best results for citizens in every city, village, neighborhood. Institutions have the responsibility and capacity to ensure completely democratic, professional and fair local elections,” Zaev underlined in the post.