• Thursday, 24 October 2024

PM Mickoski initiates national development strategy with MANU, calls for cooperation with opposition

PM Mickoski initiates national development strategy with MANU, calls for cooperation with opposition

Skopje, 23 October 2024 (MIA) – Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced Wednesday he will initiate a project on the development of the country, which will be turned into a strategy until 2050. The project’s objectives will be defined in cooperation with the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) and after their completion, a consensus from all political parties and stakeholders will be sought.

It is a strategy “whose objectives will not depend on the greediness and incompetence of politicians,” said Mickoski.

He called for cooperation and joint decision making with the opposition. 

“Let’s unite and make decisions together for the future because we have no other homeland. Let’s think strategically for the good of the country. Your every constructive proposal will be accepted. If we want to succeed, we have no choice but to cooperate and it has to start here and now… I’d like to say to those who are ready to fight for these ideas that as long as I am prime minister, I will be your voice. It’s time to show that we can. Macedonia has to be proud again, safe, a country of development and prosperity where happy people live,” PM Mickoski said. 

Science, the objectives and the strategy should not be ethicized, he urged

“The citizens have had it with governing a country day by day. We have to unite and set long-term development goals,” Mickoski stated noting he will seek endorsement of the strategy by all parties.

Photo: printscreen