• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Paris: Following days key to opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia

Paris: Following days key to opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia
Paris, 24 June 2022 (MIA) – The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded to a question sent by MIA’s correspondent, saying that official Paris remains mobilized to find a solution to start the negotiations between the EU and North Macedonia and Albania. The Quai d’Orsay’s official reaction was long-awaited, and the question concerning the contents of the French proposal for lifting the Bulgarian veto was asked about three weeks ago and repeated multiple times. The response from French diplomacy follows the EU-Western Balkan summit, and as per multiple French media, it reiterates the “Western Balkans’ countries’ evident displeasure and anger”. The reaction also adds onto what President Macron said in Brussels. Quai d’Orsay reiterates that Macron “was ready to help both Bulgaria and North Macedonia make a bilateral agreement even during the phone calls he had with the countries' Prime Ministers on June 6”. The French MFA adds that “[they’ve] taken many steps in [their] EU Council presidency in order to support finding a solution for the dispute between both countries and make North Macedonia’s European perspective concrete”. At the end of the short response, it is emphasized that “the following days will be decisive”. “We remain mobilized to reach a balanced, mutually acceptable solution, and if we reach an agreement, we will organize inter-governmental conferences between the EU and North Macedonia, as well as Albania,” says the French Foreign Ministry. dk/ik/