• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Nuredini: Thermal power plants have A integrated permit, checks to be carried out to verify compliance with standards

Nuredini: Thermal power plants have A integrated permit, checks to be carried out to verify compliance with standards
Skopje, 21 September 2022 (MIA) – All thermal power plants in the country have an A integrated permit. All institutions are always required to comply with standards. Together with the Ministry of Economy, we will carry out checks to verify compliance with standards, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Naser Nuredini said Wednesday regarding the winter season in which most of the energy capacities in the country are expected to operate on coal and mazut.   According to Nuredini, there has been a decrease in air pollution in the country in recent years.   “We’re on a good path. It’s never easy to reduce air pollution, but we’re changing the way of heating in state institutions and support the citizens with subsidies,” Nuredini told reporters in Tetovo after the official launch of the project "Improving capacities for Natura 2000 and CITES.”   Nuredini expects more efficient checks with the new law, which opens the possibility for the State Environment Inspectorate to cooperate with local inspectors.