• Sunday, 29 September 2024

MOT Theater Festival to stage "Tree In Time" and "Nero"

MOT Theater Festival to stage

Skopje, 12 November 2023 (MIA) - The MOT International Theater Festival will stage the play "Tree In Time" at the Youth Cultural Center (MKC) on Sunday. 


"Tree In Time" is a joint project of Veternica and Trisomia 21 Skopje, as well as members of the inclusive ensemble, who have been working together for the last 4 years to create original works, this time in the production of the Maribor Art Research Institute.  


"Through nonverbal theatrical expression and recognizable aesthetic of the physical interpretation of the Veternica Collective, the inclusive ensemble in collaboration with Trisomia 21 Skopje tells the story of a man who plunders nature, leading himself to destruction. Exploring the process of passing through the stages of “survival to endurance”, the unbreakable connection with nature and breaks off the last cry for knowledge that burns deep in us as a cry for a better future," the organizers say. 


The play casts Masha Blazheva, Kristina Petrovska, Ana Jovanovska, Ena Kovachevska, Ivana Polizovski, Martin Manchevski, Matej Petrovski, Nana Taneska, Ena Mitrevska, Filip Angelovski, Elizabeta Petkovska, Stefan Trpkovski, Oliver Blazhevski, Matej Alarov, Kosta Arizanov, Joana Risteska, Ivana Nelkovska, Milosh Stojanovikj, Marija Bejkova, Biljana Dimitrova, Biljana Miteva, Mario Mickovski. 


Directors include Ivana Nelkovska, Marija Bejkova, Biljana Dimitrova and Biljana Miteva. The music in the play is by Joana Risteska. Veternica Collective with Toma Dimovski and Velimir Zernovski are behind the stage design and costumes are designed by Angela Bikova. 


The play "Nero" by author Hristo Hristov and director Gjorgji Rizeski will also be staged at MKC on Sunday. 



The play is unusually authentic to the time in which it takes place, but with the same universal message that it conveys throughout the ages. Man suffers the most because of the absence of love, the love he carries within himself, the organizers say. 


"This is a play for all souls that truly strive to understand the most significant problem of humanity and how to make it stop repeating itself. This is a play about the “Ruler”, which is a reflection of the people, but about the people that are a reflection of the ruler. A play about the politics: in the past, present, and future… More precisely, about the mistakes of politics, the mistakes of ruling over the people, of the systems. A play about evil, but about hope too. About understanding evil. About the balance of the world. About the future, about the children. About what has happened, and will, sadly, happen again. About the millions of murdered people before our existence… about the sheer sense of their departure. A grand point in a small show… packed just right," reads the press release. 


The play casts Marko Trajkovic and Nina Dean. Almir Bajramovski is the composer, the choreography is by Nina Dean, and costumes are designed by Keti Paunovska Stevkovska. 


Photo: MOT