• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

Mickoski: Gov't will never back out on EU membership, but neither do anything against national interests

Mickoski: Gov't will never back out on EU membership, but neither do anything against national interests

Skopje, 1 October 2024 (MIA) - Speaking at Tuesday's press conference on the Government's 100 days in office, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski also commented on the decoupling of Albania from the country on the EU accession path, noting that the two important positions on this issue are that the Government will never back out on full-fledged EU membership, but will neither do anything that is against the national interests and strategic commitments of the citizens. 

Commenting on remarks to the Government in the first 100 days in office, in terms of the Tirana-Skopje decoupling with Albania set to formally open the first clusters on October 15, while North Macedonia remains in the EU's waiting room due to the failure to adopt the constitutional amendments, Mickoski pointed out that the Government will never make a single concession that would mean further humiliation and shame for Macedonian citizens. 

"I assure the Macedonian public of two things. First, trust that this Government will not do anything contrary to the interests of the citizens, to the national interests and strategic directions of the citizens. It will never make a single concession that will mean further humiliation and shame for Macedonian citizens, regardless of whether they are Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Serbs, Vlachs, Roma, Bosniaks, etc. You are the ones to whom we owe everything that we present today. Your interest is our command, and we will function as your servants. Second, my second message is that the Government will never back out on our second strategic goal, which is full-fledged EU membership and if necessary we will talk to anyone and as much as necessary to reach an agreement and a compromise that is a worthy one, and will not hurt the feelings of the Macedonian people again," said Mickoski.  

Има напредок во реализацијата на автопатот од Кичево до Охрид, секојдневно се работи и очекувам првата половина од автопатот од селото Арбиново до Охрид, со исклучок на мал дел кај село Ботун

He believes that the two strategic goals can be achieved and are not in conflict with each other.

As regards what specific steps would be taken in terms of continuing the European integration path, Mickoski said the focus remains on the EU, on the work that needs to be done at home, on internal reforms, but without further humiliation and concessions. He added that the country has many friends in the European family.

"You will have to get used to Macedonian politicians who refuse to kneel down, refuse to bend their backs and who refuse to sign agreements to the detriment of their people and citizens while robbing their people and citizens. You have to get used to politicians who take care of their citizens, who work for their citizens honestly and responsibly, without humiliating or robbing them. And the focus of this Government, as I said, remains on the EU and the fulfilment of our second strategic goal, which is full-fledged EU membership. We are not alone, we have many friends, many friends who are part of the European family. We continue to build friendships that are part of the European family," said Mickoski.

On Bulgaria's refusal of Orbán's offer to help mediate in the Skopje-Sofia dispute, Mickoski said he regrets that the neighbouring country has such a position, but expressed readiness for further talks.

"It is necessary to discuss, negotiate, until a solution is reached and that is exactly what my personal friend and friend of Macedonia, Viktor Orbán, offered. I accepted the offer, I showed constructiveness, I regret that our eastern neighbour did not accept, I am available, I will accept, let them say where, for how long it is necessary, let's put everything on the table to resolve this once and for all," Mickoski told reporters. 

Photo" Government / MIA archive