• Saturday, 28 September 2024

Government endorses draft-laws on renewables and energy

Government endorses draft-laws on renewables and energy

Skopje, 12 March 2024 (MIA) - The Government endorsed late Tuesday the draft-laws on renewable energy sources and energy, a subject matter that was part of a single law before.

The introduction of a new law on renewable energy sources arises from the European Union regulations, the Government said in a press release.

The key objective of the Law on Renewable Energy Sources is simplification of the procedures related to the use of renewable energy sources, in line with EU's Clean Energy Package.

The main goal of the Law on Energy is transposition of EU regulations and directives for safe, secure and quality energy supply for consumers, and an energy efficient, competitive and financially sustainable energy sector, by applying the principles of non-discrimination, objectivity and transparency.

Both laws have been developed in cooperation with USAID.

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