• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

EIB loan for waste management in Southeastern and Vardar region of N. Macedonia

EIB loan for waste management in Southeastern and Vardar region of N. Macedonia

Strumica, 24 April 2023 (MIA) – A regional sanitary landfill will be constructed in the Municipality of Vasilevo, and the Southeastern and Vardar region will jointly manage waste disposal with the funds from a European Investment Bank loan, said Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova after Monday’s meeting with the Mayor of Strumica Kostadin Kostadinov.


According to the Minister, this initiative comes after the failed idea for the construction of a regional landfill in the Southeastern region. Now five regions in the country are being covered with the loan of EUR 55 million and a CHF 9 million grant.


“We will draft the documents for the Southeastern and the Vardar region, and then we will continue with the other regions, especially with the Polog and the Southwestern region, which are in a more advanced stage. We are systemically solving the issue and only the Skopje region will remain, and we will seek financing options for there as well,” said Minister Shukova.


She said that the country will return only EUR 22.5 million of the total loan, i.e., the loan is covered with a grant which also creates the possibility of its expansion.


Minister Shukova stressed that as a country and a Government, they are determined to solve the issue once and for all. Additionally, Shukova said they will acquire containers for waste selection for all municipalities in the country, and run a public campaign raising awareness about the construction of regional landfills and what that means for the citizens.


In answer to a journalist’s question of whether there is a need for a mine in Strumica and what the Ministry’s position is on this issue, Shukova said that the Ministry has had and will have only one position, that all the heavy industry built in the country must abide by protection measures.


“Without a serious study assessing the impact, these processes cannot be carried out in the country, and not only mines, but any other similar initiative. Mines do not go in favor of the environment, but we also have to look after the economic growth of the country. If this mines doesn’t significantly impact the environment, and this is shown by a study, then maybe it could be considered in the future. But without serious protection measures the Ministry would never allow the opening of anything that harms the environment, and above all the health of the citizens,” said Shukova.


Photo: MIA