• Saturday, 28 September 2024

Children to be allowed in kindergartens with three doses of DTaP vaccine, will have to receive fourth dose: Infectious Diseases Commission

Children to be allowed in kindergartens with three doses of DTaP vaccine, will have to receive fourth dose: Infectious Diseases Commission

Skopje, 14 March 2024 (MIA) – Children who have been administered three doses of the DTaP vaccine against whooping cough (pertussis) will be allowed to attend kindergarten, but will have to receive the fourth dose of the vaccine after six months at the earliest, said the chair of the Commission for Infectious Diseases, Aleksandar Petlichkovski, on Thursday.

“Children who have been administered three vaccines in the past six months and are now awaiting revaccination, which according to the standard calendar is recommended after one year, but we are now shortening this period to six months. These children, who have completed the series of three doses in these six months should be allowed in kindergartens with the warning that they should receive this vaccine six months after the third dose at the earliest,” said Petlichkovski.

Petlichkovski said the situation with whooping cough in the country is “not good” and “not stable”, stressing it is the result of many years of irresponsible behavior.

“The fact that 50 percent of children in kindergartens are vaccinated is devastating for the country, and we have a lot of work to do here,” said Petlichkovski.

The chair of the Commission said there are over 170 children and adults sick with whooping cough just in Skopje, and over 200 in the country, with figures expected to rise. He said the Commission could recommend stricter epidemiological measures in the coming weeks, depending on how the situation develops.

Photo: MIA