• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Bytyqi: We hear the business sector, we’re doing all we can to remove barriers

Bytyqi: We hear the business sector, we’re doing all we can to remove barriers

Skopje, 30 March 2023 (MIA) – We hear the calls of the business sector to the Government, but there is a difference in the pace at which things should happen and the business sector’s expectations, as well as the opportunity to act at this point, said Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi.


“It can be better, but all actors need to sit down and create joint solutions. We are constantly conducting an open dialogue and the business sector is involved in the creation of the National Strategy. Therein lies the key when and how things will change for the better,” Bytyqi said in response to a reporter’s question after addressing a regional conference on boosting economic cooperation in the Western Balkans, organized by the Economic Chamber as part of activities in a project implemented in partnership with USAID.


The solidarity tax and the price caps for basic food products is in the citizens’ interest to help them get over the crisis faster.


“We will see the effects of the price freeze. If you ask the citizens, I believe they will say this will be good for them. If you ask the business community, they will say they’re not the happiest for losing profits,” Bytyqi said.


He added that we are here to protect the citizens’ standard.


“The business sector can talk to us about anything, but right now, we decided this is the way,” Bytyqi pointed out.


He said that they’re doing all they can to remove the barriers that the business community is facing.


“Last year, we harmonized customs tariffs for 258 products because the business sector requested it to become more competitive. Maybe we should’ve done it in 8-10 years, when we become an EU member state, but we did it now. I have a meeting with the chambers of commerce tomorrow, like I do each month. We have a register of parafiscal duties, some are eliminated, and others will be overcome in the coming period,” Bytyqi pointed out. dk/nn/


Photo: MIA