• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Bilateral screening on Chapter 22 resumes in Brussels: SEA

Bilateral screening on Chapter 22 resumes in Brussels: SEA

Skopje, 5 October 2023 (MIA) - Bilateral screening meeting on Cluster 5: Resources, Agriculture and Cohesion including regulations related to planning and implementing EU cohesion policies and the use of European structural and investment funds, resumed Thursday in Brussels with Chapter 22: Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments.

The Secretariat for European Affairs (SEA) said in a press release that deputy chief negotiator Drita Abdiu-Halili said before the experts of the Directorate-Generals for Regional and Urban Policy; Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion; and Enlargement at the European Commission, that institutions are aware how important it is to establish a system for managing funds and programs, to ensure an effective and discernible use of EU funds for the need of achieving economic and social development as an EU member-state.

"Throughout the years and the commitment of visionaries from several institutions, investments were made in developing knowledge and skills of IPA structures with very modest capacities. Today, in almost all ministries we have a modern administration that works daily to implement EU policies and projects. In the future, all our national efforts will focus on our EU membership. For this purpose, the knowledge and capacity of all trained and qualified experts and EU structures, will be used across our administration," Hailili said.

Bilateral screening on Chapter 22 is set to continue on Friday with a presentation on the progress achieved and what North Macedonia is doing to strengthen financial management and administrative capacities, as well as the results of the previous commitment to openness, visibility, and transparency of institutions. ssh/ik/

Photo: Secretariat for European Affairs