• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Zaev steps down as PM and SDSM leader, says no time for early elections

Zaev steps down as PM and SDSM leader, says no time for early elections
Skopje, 31 October 2021 (MIA) – Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev resigned late Sunday from both posts, saying he assumes the responsibility for the poor results at the local elections, while congratulating the political opponents on the election win. Zaev said this was no time for early elections, since the next 2,5 years represent an excellent opportunity that would benefit the country and all citizens. “I will stay on to help reorganize a new government that has an existing progressive majority that might even be enlarged,” said Zaev. He congratulated all elected mayors and wished them to serve the people with honesty and responsibility. “I am proud to have brought the country into NATO. Last year we received a decision for the start of the EU accession negotiations and I believe we have a chance to start the talks in the coming months. We have unified our multiethnic people and strengthened the economy despite the ongoing pandemic. We carried out a successful Census, we built historic friendship with all neighbors and concluded strategic partnerships. Unfortunately, the political punishment for us, the progressive forces who believe and rejoice these historic successes, has come,” said Zaev. These elections, he added, saw an influx of funds from outside and local businessmen in support for the opposition. “These funds coming dominantly from outside were given for political and economic reasons, while those from domestic businessmen, primarily by heads of construction companies, out of personal and financial interests. I regret the fact that these funds significantly contributed to the election outcome,” noted Zaev. He expressed disappointment from the fact that majority of the people has elected the same people and politicians who stormed the Parliament with the intention to kill. “These elections also saw collaborations between the victims and the thugs of 27 April 2017, just for the sake of power and money. Leaving politics is not difficult, what is hard is the thought about the reality of the people’s decision. Nevertheless, I am convinced of bringing freedom and democracy together with the progressive citizens, and freedom and democracy means assuming responsibility. By taking this responsibility, I would like to leave an imprint so that people learn and strengthen their democratic capacity but also their duty to care for the country. I might not be right, only time will tell, but I believe that citizens should support politicians who have the courage to make difficult but historic decisions for the well-being of their people and the country, without consideration for their political careers,” underlined Zaev.