• Monday, 08 July 2024

Zaev: Giving youth a chance, Kostadin Kostadinov for Strumica

Zaev: Giving youth a chance, Kostadin Kostadinov for Strumica
Strumica, 29 September 2021 (MIA) – SDSM is the herald of change. We are giving youth a chance, their energy and will to engage in the present and the future. We decided to give Kostadin Kostadinov, the youth, a chance in Strumica, Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev told a rally in the town on Wednesday evening. “We know Kostadin as acting mayor, MP and SDSM spokesperson. He is always active, approachable, communicative, honest, young. He is aware of the town’s problems and has a clear plan and solutions. He is the best for the people of Strumica and the town of Strumica,” said Zaev. He also praised the 23 candidates for council members, noting that the party’s offer is the best for the municipality. “I have no dilemmas, Kostadin Kostadinov will be the new mayor of Strumica,” said Zaev. Kostadinov said he would be committed to solving the people’s daily problems and work for the municipality’s further development and progress. He said the mayor’s office would be open for all people of Strumica, whereas the municipality would make progress through the ideas and suggestions of each individual in the creation of local policies.