• Saturday, 29 June 2024

World Bank to keep supporting National Bank to strengthen financial stability

World Bank to keep supporting National Bank to strengthen financial stability
Skopje, 31 May 2022 (MIA) – The World Bank will keep supporting the National Bank to strengthen financial stability, World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Anna Bjerde told National Bank Governor Anita Angelovska – Bezhoska at a meeting Tuesday in Skopje. Their meeting focused on current macroeconomic conditions in North Macedonia with an accent on inflation, the external sector, banking sector capacities and improvement of regulations for the banking system, the National Bank said. Governor Angelovska – Bezhoska said the World Bank’s support to the National Bank to further improve the banking system regulations is of great importance. More precisely, the World Bank has supported the preparation of a bill on financial stability. Under the legislation, the National Bank’s macroprudential function will be enhanced alongside other financial regulators. Technical assistance will be provided for alignment with European regulations on monitoring systemic risks in the financial sector, including the model for quality assessment of the credit portfolio of the corporate sector. WB Vice President Bjerde focused on global challenges and the consequences on the Macedonian economy. As regards the banking system, she voiced support for the National Bank’s activities to further strengthen the regulatory framework, which is of great importance in further strengthening of financial stability, said the press release.