• Sunday, 29 September 2024

VMRO-DPMNE, Worth It and ZNAM MPs nominate Afrim Gashi for Speaker of Parliament 

VMRO-DPMNE, Worth It and ZNAM MPs nominate Afrim Gashi for Speaker of Parliament 

Skopje, 28 May 2024 (MIA) - Alternativa leader Afrim Gashi, whose party is a member of the Worth It coalition, was nominated for Speaker of Parliament on Tuesday by 75 MPs from VMRO-DPMNE, the Worth It coalition and the ZNAM Movement.

The MPs of the DUI-led European Front left the parliamentary hall where the constitutive session is being held.

At the session earlier on Tuesday, Parliament elected the members of the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues. It also verified the mandates of 118 MPs. 

According to the new Rules of Procedure, the constitutive session lasts a maximum of three days, and the Parliament is constituted by the election of Speaker.

Photo: MIA Archive