• Saturday, 05 October 2024

UK sanctions Bosnian-Serb politicians after attempts to undermine BiH’s legitimacy

UK sanctions Bosnian-Serb politicians after attempts to undermine BiH’s legitimacy
London, 11 April 2022 (MIA) – The United Kingdom on Monday sanctioned Milorad Dodik, Bosnian-Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s state-level Presidency, and Zeljka Cvijanovic, President of the entity of Republika Srpska, for their destabilising activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The designations, which include travel bans and asset freezes, are the first under the UK’s Bosnia and Herzegovina sanctions regime, it was announced. “Emboldened by Russia’s undermining of the international rules-based system, both individuals have used their positions of authority to push for de facto secession of Republika Srpska – one of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s 2 entities – in direct contravention of the country’s constitution,” the Foreign Office said in a press release. “These two politicians are deliberately undermining the hard won peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Encouraged by Putin, their reckless behaviour threatens stability and security across the Western Balkans. With these tough sanctions we are showing that the enemies of peace will be held to account,” said Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. Milorad Dodik has driven action to withdraw Republika Srpska from key State institutions, using divisive, dangerous, nationalist rhetoric, undermining domestic and regional peace and encouraging ethnic hatred and genocide denial. Meanwhile, in October 2021, Zeljka Cvijanovic used her office to table legislation in Republika Srpska seeking to transfer state competencies to the entity level. Cvijanovic has publicly glorified war criminals and denied the genocide at Srebrenica.