• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Turkish, Greek leaders ink friendship declaration in rare Athens meet

Turkish, Greek leaders ink friendship declaration in rare Athens meet

Istanbul/Athens, 7 December 2023 (dpa/MIA) - Greek and Turkish leaders on Thursday struck an upbeat tone at a rare meeting in Athens, stressing a commitment to resolve outstanding bilateral issues.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis signed a declaration on "Friendly Relations and Good Neighbourliness" in Athens.

Erdoğan praised the talks with Mitsotakis and invited the Greek premier for a return visit. This is Erdoğan's first visit to Greece in six years.

Thursday's declaration envisages increased cooperation in tourism, trade, energy, migration and technology, among other areas.

Ankara and Athens had been at odds over a number of issues, including sovereignty over the Aegean islands and the exploitation of energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Ties gradually soured in 2020 when Ankara first suspended a migration deal with EU, and began energy exploration work in disputed Eastern Mediterranean waters.

The two NATO members came close to a military conflict in the summer of that year.

Erdoğan and Mitsotakis agreed to resume talks earlier this year.

"There is no problem that can not be solved between us," Erdoğan told a joint press conference with Mitsotakis in Athens.

Ankara hopes to turn the Aegean into "a sea of peace and cooperation," Erdoğan said.

The two neighbours still face large-scale challenges ahead, such as the divided island of Cyprus. Numerous UN mediations to overcome the island's secession, which dates back to 1974, have so far failed.

Photo: Greek PM's Office