• Friday, 19 July 2024

Transport Minister Nikolovski says Macedonian Railways, Postal Service staff got paid

Transport Minister Nikolovski says Macedonian Railways, Postal Service staff got paid

Skopje, 18 July 2024 (MIA) — Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport Aleksandar Nikoloski said in a social media post that the state-owned Macedonian Railways Infrastructure, Macedonian Railways Transport and Macedonian Postal Service employees had received their monthly paychecks.


"I promised I would not leave 4,400 employees without pay!" he wrote on Facebook.


"Salaries were paid to Macedonian Railways Infrastructure, Macedonian Railways Transport and Macedonian Postal Service," he said, asking that the people who had previously held management positions at those companies to be held responsible for their failings.

"In my fourth week as minister, I have shown that it is possible to do things differently," Nikoloski wrote. mr/