• Monday, 07 October 2024

Survey: Majority of Germans in favour of stricter border rules

Survey: Majority of Germans in favour of stricter border rules

Berlin, 13 September 2024 (dpa/MIA) - A majority of Germans are in favour of stricter border rules, according to a representative survey by the opinion research institute YouGov.

Among those surveyed, 71% were in favour of direct rejections at the border for foreigners requiring visas who fail to apply for asylum, as well as for individuals banned from entering Germany.

According to the survey, 45% of respondents fully support border controls and potential closures as a means to manage migration, with an additional 28% expressing general support. However, 20% reject these measures.

Additionally, 82% of respondents favour increasing deportations of individuals without a legal right to stay in Germany. While 11% oppose more deportations, 7% did not express a clear opinion.

Support for increased deportations of people without the right to stay legally in Germany is notably higher among those aged 60 and over, with more than 95% in favour, compared to 68% among those aged 18 to 39, according to the survey.

The survey, conducted between September 6 and 10, involved 2,126 adult German citizens. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.13 percentage points.

On Monday, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser ordered temporary controls at all German land borders to curb the number of unauthorized entries. The additional checks are to begin on Monday and will initially last for six months.

Stationary controls have already been in place at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland since October 2023. These have been repeatedly extended and will currently run until December 15.

Similar measures, which Germany introduced to deter irregular migration, have been in place at the German-Austrian land border since September 2015. The newly ordered border controls concern the land frontiers with France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

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