• Friday, 27 September 2024

State institutions' active transparency up four percent in 2024, watchdog says

State institutions' active transparency up four percent in 2024, watchdog says

Skopje, 14 August 2024 (MIA) — The average active transparency score of the government, government ministries and municipalities in 2024 was 80%, an improvement by four percentile points from last year, according to the Center for Civil Communications NGO's annual Active Transparency Index ranking of institutions released Wednesday.


According to the ranking, the government and its ministries' active transparency in 2024 was 86%, and municipalities’ average score is 79%. In 2024, government ministries did not show any improvement, and municipalities' active transparency improved by five percent.


Of all government institutions, only the Ministry of Defense has earned a perfect score of 100%, and it has done so for four consecutive years, by publishing all information required under active transparency obligations. 


The government's rating fell from last year's 100% and first place to the 40th spot this year, with an active transparency index of 87%.


For the first time, as many as five municipalities — Berovo, Bitola, Valandovo, Kavadarci, and Kichevo – had a compliance score of 100% with their obligations for publishing information under the active transparency principle.


In 2024, 71% of surveyed institutions have improved their active transparency track record. 


Out of the planning regions, the Eastern Region has remained highest ranked (with a compliance score of 88%). The Skopje Region has climbed one spot from its usual last place and the Northeast Region has dropped to the bottom of the list (with a compliance score of 72%).


According to the Center for Civil Communications, government ministries publish the least information regarding their competences (78%) and municipalities are the least open about finances (67%).


The term ‘active transparency’ describes the proactive publication of information by institutions, at their own initiative, without being addressed with freedom of information requests. 


Active transparency is a legal obligation under the Law on Free Access to Public Information, but also under the Law on Self-Government, Law on Budgets, Law on Public Debt, and Law on Financing Local Self-Governments, the active transparency watchdog said. mr/