• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Speaker Xhaferi meets Hungarian President Novák

Speaker Xhaferi meets Hungarian President Novák

Skopje, 6 February 2023 (MIA) - Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi met with Hungarian President Katalin Novák, who is paying an official visit to North Macedonia on Monday.  

Speaker Xhaferi extended gratitude for Hungary’s support towards North Macedonia’s integration in the European Union. He pointed out that bilateral relations are good, adding that there’s room for more investments and economic cooperation.  

Xhaferi said the screening process is taking place, and the accession negotiations process is expected to continue in autumn. In the meantime, he noted, an approach should be taken towards constitutional amendments, necessary for the futher course of the process. He added that efforts are underway in Parliament to reach the necessary majority for the amendments.  

President Novák applauded North Macedonia’s efforts towards regional cooperation EU integration, stressing that the country can always count on Hungary’s friendly support. 

As regards the war in Ukraine, she pointed out that Hungary condemns Russia's aggression, but when it comes to sanctions, due to its specific situation, it must take into account its national interests. Therefore, Hungary advocates an end to the war and settling the conflict by way of negotiations.

In terms of the issue of emigration, the interlocutors highlighted advocacy and fight against illegal emigration. Speaker Xhaferi said the integration of the country and the entire region into the European Union will contribute to raising the standard of living and, thus reduce the pressure for emigration.  

In addition, Xhaferi and Novák commited to intensifying cooperation, and the Speaker wished the Hungarian President a pleasant and successful stay in North Macedonia.