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Spasovski: Fight against terrorism is serious challenge, no indications of security risks

Spasovski: Fight against terrorism is serious challenge, no indications of security risks
Skopje, 17 December 2021 (MIA) – We’re making active efforts to fight terrorism and prevent any activities that could endanger our security. Currently, there are no indications that the country’s safety has been put at risk, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski said on Friday. “This is a serious and ongoing challenge. Relevant institutions such as the Interior Ministry, the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency are making efforts to fight terrorism and prevent any activities that could endanger our security. Currently, there are no indications that the country’s safety has been put at risk. Recent fake terrorist threats showed the level of readiness of the Macedonian police and agencies in regard to managing this type of challenge,” Spasovski told reporters. He also stressed the importance of re-socialization and reintegration of foreign fighters, as well as proper punishment. “It’s important that radicalized nationals return, re-socialize and reintegrate. We do this through programs developed by the national committee in charge of fight against violent extremism and terrorism. This has been the government’s top priority since 2017. In that regard, the Interior Ministry, as well as national security and intelligence agencies, are taking all the necessary measures. On several occasions, we repatriated foreign fighters. Those against whom we have evidence, will be appropriately charged. However, there are also nationals, mostly women and children, who have entered the re-socialization and repatriation system,” the Interior Minister underlined. According to US Ambassador to North Macedonia Kate Marie Byrnes, the return of foreign terrorist fighters to North Macedonia is a complicated and difficult process and it’s important to focus on reintegration as the Minister noted. North Macedonia and the US have had regular consultations in that regard. “The United States is committed to this, not just as part of NATO relationships, but also bilateral relationships to continue to work on strengthening capabilities. Part of our ongoing efforts through the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) is to ensure that police officers and investigators have the best training possible to understand how to use battlefield evidence in the criminal prosecution of terrorists, as they return back to their countries and also to make sure that social programs that are in place to support those families that have been affected, have the support they need” the Ambassador noted. In regard to arrests of wanted criminals, Spasovski said that Interior Ministry measures have produced results. “Numbers have significantly increased compared to 3-4 years ago. Arrests are made every day. Just yesterday, we arrested 3-4 wanted people. This is strategic priority of the Interior Ministry has produced results,” Spasovski noted.