• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Spasovski: Citizens are partners with police at these elections

Spasovski: Citizens are partners with police at these elections
Skopje, 31 October 2021 (MIA) – Citizens have shown that democracy is becoming part of the culture of our society, part of our lives. Another important trait at these elections is that citizens showed they are partners with the Macedonian police, said Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski after the end of the second round of the local elections, saying the number of reported events has dropped by 31.7 percent compared to the 2020 parliamentary elections. “In the runoff there were 114 reported events, with 67 percent less reported bribes. Most of the events – 83 – relate to voter campaigning,” said Minister Spasovski. He said the MoI has successful carried out all competencies prescribed in the Electoral Code – data delivery for updating of the Electoral Roll by ensuring an environment for a peaceful, safe, fair and democratic atmosphere on Election Day, up until the return of the electoral materials to the State Election Commission. Spasovski thanked the media and journalists for their cooperation during the electoral process and the partnership that is being strengthened on a daily basis.