• Sunday, 30 June 2024

Six people get conditional sentences for events in front of Parliament

Six people get conditional sentences for events in front of Parliament
Skopje, 16 August 2022 (MIA) – The Court ordered conditional sentences for six more people who took part in the incidents in front of the Parliament during the protests against the French proposal, after they pleaded guilty at Tuesday’s trial in the Skopje-based Criminal Court for the events in front of the Parliament on July 5, 2022.   The main hearing was held in the Skopje-based Criminal Court on Tuesday, in a case against six people on the grounds that they have committed a crime – participating in a crowd that commits a criminal offence, which took place in front of the Parliament of North Macedonia on July 5, 2022, the Court said.   “All six defendants, voluntarily, pleaded guilty for the crime they were charged with. After evaluating all the mitigating and aggravating circumstances, the court issued a first-instance verdict in which four of the defendants got a conditional sentence of 2 years in prison, which won’t be carried out if they don’t commit another crime in the next 4 years, while two of the defendants, who turned 18 just before the event, got a conditional sentence of 1 year in prison, which won’t be carried out if they don’t commit another crime in the next 3 years. In addition, they will be under the enhanced supervision procedure,” said the Skopje-based Criminal Court.   The parties have the right to appeal against the verdicts before the Skopje-based Appellate Court.