• Friday, 04 October 2024

Shkrijelj: We will back any suggestion that means backing anti-fascist values

Shkrijelj: We will back any suggestion that means backing anti-fascist values
Skopje, 17 October 2022 (MIA)The law on associations and foundations really needs revision, because it is a law that is already ten years old. We absolutely support the right to freedom of association, but we must also stand up for the values on which our country is based, which are anti-fascist values, so we will support any proposal that is in that direction, said today the SDSM MP Sanela Shkrijelj in the Parliament. She, answering a question whether at today's plenary session they will support the legal amendments to this law proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, said that they will support and that they agree that there is a need for such legal amendments. - That means yes, support, today the need to introduce such legal amendments is determined, and we agree that there is a need to introduce such legal amendments, said Shkrijelj. The MP informs that the Government is entering the parliamentary procedure with a draft law on financial support for socially vulnerable categories of citizens to deal with the energy crisis. This law, she clarified, provides financial support for the most vulnerable categories in times of crisis and covers about 180 thousand citizens. - In the next four months, financial assistance of MKD 3,000 or a total of MKD 12,000 is planned to be received by beneficiaries of the right to social security for the elderly or popularly known as social pension, beneficiaries of a special allowance, beneficiaries of the right to compensation due to disability, persons with disabilities and permanent changes in health who use compensation for assistance and care from another person and do not use compensation rights due to disability and single parents who are registered beneficiaries of guaranteed minimum assistance, informs Shkrijelj. Pensioners with pensions up to MKD 14,000 will also receive financial assistance from MKD 3,000 to 6,000 for a period of four months. - As MPs, we submitted a proposal for changes in the social and child protection laws, which mean an increase in the right to a special allowance of 15 percent for all three categories of beneficiaries. Proposed amendments to the law on social protection foresee a reduction of the age limit for using the right to permanent compensation to 60 years for women and 62 for men and changing the criteria for using personal assistance, i.e., supplementation with combined disability where physical disability is dominant. This means that people with cerebral palsy will be able to use personal assistance, informs Shkrijelj. She called on all MPs to support the amendments to the laws, as she said, for which funds have already been provided in the Budget, with the aim of the aid payment starting next month. - I especially appeal to my colleagues from VMRO-DPMNE who often know how to block laws that are in the interest of the citizens. Today, on the World Day of the Fight Against Poverty, we call on them to give up the blockades and support the legal amendments. We need to act efficiently and take appropriate measures to help the citizens, said Shkrijelj. dk/sk/