• Tuesday, 08 October 2024

SEEBRIG marks 25th anniversary

SEEBRIG marks 25th anniversary

Skopje, 3 September 2024 (MIA) - The South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) continues to prove an exceptionally valuable mechanism for promoting regional security, trust and maintaining military cooperation among member-states. SEEBRIG serves as proof that cooperation among countries of Southeast Europe and beyond can yield results, heard a ceremony observing the 25th anniversary of SEEBRIG in Kumanovo army barracks "Boro Menkov" on Tuesday.

SEEBRIG was established in 1999, based on the agreement for regional cooperation in the field of defense, also known as the Multinational Peace Force South-Eastern Europe (MPFSEE) concluded in 1998 among the defense ministers of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Romania, and Turkey in Skopje. According to the agreement, SEEBRIG chairmanship is rotational, with previous hosts being Plovdiv, Constanța, Istanbul, and Larissa. The chairmanship will be located in Kumanovo between 2020-2026.

Minister of Defense Vlado Misajlovski congratulated the 25th anniversary and said this is a very important project in the field of defense in Southeast Europe.

"We work in SEEBRIG and at the same time serve our country and citizens," Misajlovski noted.

As the host-country, he expressed satisfaction that several armies worked together in Kumanovo and contributed to the successful cooperation.

Chairperson of the South-Eastern Europe Defense Ministerial Coordination Committee (SEDM-CC) and Politico-Military Steering Committee (PMSC), Simona Cojocaru stressed that the South East Defense Ministerial (SEDM) process is growing as a key indicator of political and military cooperation between the defense ministries of the member-states and beyond.

"After a quarter-century of existence, we now know very well the determination and dedication necessary to maintain the Brigade's activity and longevity. All of our countries deserve gratitude for their efforts, which significantly impact our regional security. We also need to thank all commanders that contributed to the security of Southeastern Europe in their role as SEEBRIG commanders. Unfortunately, two prominent commanders are no longer with us: Na-2 Brigadier General Neyko Nenov and Na-7 Brigader General Hilmi Akin Zorlu," Cojocaru said. Attendees paid respects by observing a minute of silence.

According to her, peace and good relations in any field, but especially international relations, require strengthened international cooperation and free-thinking approach to all cooperation projects.

"We can achieve this if we continue to invest in the SEDM process and work to make SEEBRIG an important stakeholder in regional stability," Cojocaru added.

SEEBRIG Commander, Brigadier General Bilbil Bitri also addressed the event. ssh/ik/

Photo: MIA