• Sunday, 06 October 2024

SDSM says coming days to show if VMRO-DPMNE has required majority

SDSM says coming days to show if VMRO-DPMNE has required majority
Skopje, 8 November 2021 (MIA) – Until yesterday, Hristijan Mickoski claimed to have a new parliamentary majority but today he let MP Aleksandar Nikolovski speak about the initiative that may have vanished into thin air, said SDSM on Monday. The coming days will show if Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE have the required number of lawmakers to support a Government no-confidence vote, reads the SDSM press release. It adds that SDSM will continue to discuss and initiate collaborations with all progressive and democratic forces, for the purpose of ensuring a stable future of the country and its people. The democratic, pro-European parties will not allow Mickoski, Apasiev and Gruevski to head the country on an uphill road and for the people to suffer only for the sake of taking power, notes SDSM. The party says it will not allow the Prespa Agreement, the Ohrid Framework Agreement, the Bulgaria Friendship Treaty, the ‘one society for all’ concept, the people’s peace within the country and goodneighborly relations to be threatened. We have a common citizens’ and statehood cause, supported by a vast majority of citizens and MPs, says SDSM and underlines that democracy, freedom and unity are much stronger than Mickoski, Sela and Apasiev, who want to push the country back towards isolation, divisions and hatred.