• Sunday, 29 September 2024

SDSM demands draft-law on Hungary loan to undergo regular procedure in Parliament

SDSM demands draft-law on Hungary loan to undergo regular procedure in Parliament

Skopje, 12 September 2024 (MIA) - Opposition party SDSM has demanded that the draft-law on the EUR 500 million loan from Hungary undergoes regular and not expedited procedure, including a debate with experts in the field, noting that the law is corrupt and puts the country into crediting and political dependency.

SDSM leader Venko Filipche demanded at a press conference on Thursday that the law undergoes regular procedure, including a public debate in line with the Rules of Procedures.

"In circumstances when the state is taking a loan directly from another country, when there are no clear criteria and facilities for distribution of the funds, when there is no clear system to control their spending, when there are no clear safeguard provisions in the law, when the law includes provisions that hide costs, then discussing this law in an expedited procedure is unacceptable," said Filipche.

According to him, the law itself has many ambiguities and clearly visible corrupt elements.

"First of all, this loan was agreed at the time when VMRO-DPMNE was still in opposition, therefore non-institutionally and privately. Similarly to how it was agreed, the Government wants to adopt it without any debate and analysis. SDSM considers this to be scandalous," said Filipche.

Photo: SDSM