• Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Roth: All aspiring EU members must keep fighting against corruption

Roth: All aspiring EU members must keep fighting against corruption

Skopje, 12 September 2023 (MIA) — All countries aspiring to join the European Union need to continue their fight against corruption, the German Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael Roth said ahead of a conference on advancing the Berlin Process through parliamentary democracy being held Tuesday in Parliament.


Roth was responding to a reporter's question on the "express adoption of the Criminal Code amendments" which led to public backlash for reducing punishments for public office holders for potential abuse of office and even allegations that it was done in a tacit agreement between the government and the opposition in exchange for their support for the constitutional changes.


"This is not a time for ultimatums," Roth said. "There are clear expectations from the EU. Above all else, we are a union of common values, a common market, and all countries that want to join the EU have to continue their fight against corruption."


Во Министерството за надворешни работи претпладнево ќе биде одржан работен појадок на шефот на дипломатијата Бујар Османи со амбасадорите на Бугарија Ангел Ангелов, на Германија Анке Холштајн


He declined to speculate on the Criminal Code amendments, saying he had also heard the pardoning rumors but the country's politicians should be the ones to decide on this.


"What we are talking about now is changing the Constitution regarding the Bulgarian minority and other issues, which are the result of a very long, tense and controversial talks with the EU, especially with Bulgaria," Roth said.


"My main goal is to speed up the negotiations between the EU and North Macedonia, because Macedonians deserve EU membership as soon as possible. Both the EU and this country need to show more ambition," he added. mr/