• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Restricted margins of basic food products by year-end: minister

Restricted margins of basic food products by year-end: minister
Skopje, 19 September 2022 (MIA) – The Government’s decision to restrict trade margins of basic food products in retail and wholesale, which expires on September 30, will be extended by the end of the year, said Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi on Monday. “The trade sector within the ministry is already doing the analyses on the impact of the existing measures and if they need to be redesigned. We will discuss the issue with the Economic Chamber later in the week in order to listen to their demands and see the options we have at this time,” Minister Bekteshi told reporters. The Government decided to freeze the trade margins of basic food products in retail and wholesale on June 14. The decision is valid for bread, sugar and sunflower oil, which margins are limited to five percent, whereas the one for eggs, flour, pasta, rice and milk to ten percent.