• Thursday, 09 January 2025

Religious calendars

Religious calendars

8 January 2025 (MIA)

Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar

Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos (Mother of God)

Theotokos literally translated means “The One who bore God” or “the God bearer.” The day following the Nativity of Christ is called the “Synaxis of the Holy Theotokos.” Synaxis means “the coming together.” The Orthodox Church has many feasts honoring the life and activity of the Mother of God, and here is one intended to honor the highest act of her life, giving birth to Jesus her only son and Son of God. The most holy birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, sovereign Lady of all Christian souls, not only protects the mystery of the Church but, in a very real sense, is the veritable incarnation of that mystery. Regularly addressed by the Orthodox as “the Protectress of Christians, who cannot be put to shame,” (Kontakion) she, the birth-giver of God, is indeed “the most constant Mediation unto the Creator” for our fallen race.

Catholic Calendar

St. Erhard

Erhard was born in Ireland, then known as “Scotia”. Like many of his countrymen he went to the Continent as missionary bishop or chorepiscopus and evangelized Bavaria, especially in the region around present-day Regensburg. Many miracles are attributed to his prayers. He became Bishop of Regensburg around 700. Erhard is mentioned in still strong local traditions.