• Saturday, 28 September 2024

Produce price freeze decision comes into force

Produce price freeze decision comes into force

Skopje, 5 April 2023 (MIA) ― As of today, grocery stores and farmers market vendors cannot legally charge more for their produce than the government-imposed price limits.


The retail price of tomatoes has been capped at 70 denars per kilogram; cucumbers at Mden 75 per kg; onions at Mden 60 per kg; cauliflower at Mden 70 per kg; green peppers at Mden 90 per kg; beans at Mden 75 per kg; lentils at Mden 110 per kg; bananas at Mden 70 per kg; oranges at Mden 55 per kg; tangerines at Mden 60 per kg; and lemons at Mden 55 per kg.


The prices, which officials said had been marked up as high as 250 percent in some cases, will drop after the government adopted the produce price freeze decision at its Tuesday session.


The temporary price controls on produce will be in force through the end of April. mr/