• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Prespa Forum: Region to unlock potentials for attracting investments

Prespa Forum: Region to unlock potentials for attracting investments

Skopje, 15 June 2023 (MIA) – The countries of the region should boost cooperation in order to attract as many foreign investments as possible, but also in order to do everything to unlock their potentials – to strengthen the institutions, making them transparent and trustworthy, but also to enable a legal competition between potential investors, said Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs Fatmir Bytyqi on Thursday at the Prespa Forum Dialogue, held in Struga.


At the session “Paving the Way to Prosperity: EcoFin Strategies for Western Balkans Growth”, Bytyqi, who was the keynote speaker at the panel, stressed that now is the right time to do that. There is no more room, he said, for additional delays.


“Let’s unlock all investments and potentials of the Western Balkans. Now is the time when we can do that and we have a chance to do it. There is no room for additional delays. Let’s focus on energy, security and finance. This should be our priority, To ask ourselves whether as a region we can open up in the field of investments and create opportunities for cooperation. It is key that we intensify cooperation in order to unlock the potentials of the region,” said Bytyqi, assessing that the awareness over the implementation of effective economic-financial policies is growing.

The Deputy PM touched upon the EU, saying North Macedonia knows where it wants to go and be in the future. To that end, he said, the country is “unlocking” opportunities and chances, but also adopts concrete decisions.


“We know exactly where we want to see ourselves in the future, and that means unlocking these opportunities, adopting decisions to be there. We are not saying the word ‘ambitious’ in a purely declarative way, on the contrary, that is the only thing that the future generations expect from us,” stressed Bytyqi.


The other panelist were the Governor of the National Bank, Anita Angelovska-Bezhoska, the Minister of Finance of Montenegro, Aleksandar Damjanović, Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi, and Ivana Živković from the UNDP.


According to Damjanović, the countries of the region would be more attractive to investors if they’re together. He highlighted the issue of brain drain and the low usage of IPA funds.


“There is even a lack of staff in tourism and construction. This is a general threat for the entire region, and the most dangerous one currently as well. It is necessary to react quickly and define a strategy. To be innovative, cooperate and exchange good practices, this is where the key for the Western Balkan lies,” said the Minister.


Photo: Printscreen