• Friday, 18 October 2024

President Siljanovska-Davkova receives credentials of new EU Ambassador Rokas

President Siljanovska-Davkova receives credentials of new EU Ambassador Rokas

Skopje, 6 September 2024 (MIA) - President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova received Friday the credentials of the new Head of the Delegation of the European Union, Ambassador Michalis Rokas.

In her address at the ceremony, the President stressed that EU accession remains a firm strategic commitment of the country, as well as an important social driver and a significant factor of cohesion for the majority of Macedonian citizens.

Siljanovska-Davkova added that the country respects diversity and values its neighbors, and actively promotes European values in the region and beyond, through its actions. She voiced her conviction that with the support of the EU, the country will be able to progress on its path to EU accession, at an increased pace and without any obstacles.

“Over the years, we’ve made brave and very difficult decisions in the interest of the future of our citizens and the country. We did a lot to move closer to the necessary European standards, to harmonize with a significant part of the EU acquis and build efficient administrative and judicial capacities. At the same time, we’ve remained a proven trust partner to the Union, both from the aspect of reforms and through our contribution in the tackling of the many shared challenges,” the President said. 

At the ceremony, Ambassador Rokas cited a recent statement made by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,  

“Enlargement is an investment in our collective strength and security. We want a strong, competitive, and secure Europe, this includes the Western Balkans as well as Ukraine and Moldova in our European Union,” he said, citing von der Leyen and stressed that this is proof that enlargement will once again become a top priority and accelerate during her term.

Rokas also highlighted the recent decision of the Council of the European Union and of the European Parliament to finance the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans. 

“We are ready to accompany your country, the new Government, institutions and civil society on the path to further European integration. I would like to assure you that my goal is to help North Macedonia move forward and make tangible steps on the path to the shared commitment of membership in the Union,” Ambassador Rokas stressed.

Rokas expressed hope that negotiations and reforms could soon become mutually reinforcing processes.

“Both processes are challenging for your Government and the public administration. We remain ready to provide all necessary assistance to strengthen the institutions through our pre-accession instrument – IPA. We are ready for open dialogue, to listen, to advise and find solutions together,” Ambassador Rokas said at the ceremony. 

Photo: President's Office