• Sunday, 29 September 2024

President Pendarovski, PM Kovachevski condemn latest provocations from Bulgaria

President Pendarovski, PM Kovachevski condemn latest provocations from Bulgaria

Skopje, 6 February 2023 (MIA) - North Macedonia's top officials have condemned the incident at the Deve Bair border crossing on Saturday, the stoning of the Macedonian club in Blagoevgrad and the indecent and offensive statements by Bulgarian politicians, while regretting the absence of timely and proper response from official Sofia over such acts.

President Stevo Pendarovski condemned the incidents at the border, caused by a group of Bulgarian citizens led by lawmakers, expressing regret that "we are not seeing a condemnation of the attacks aimed towards Macedonian police officers and institutions."

On the barrage of insults by Bulgarian Member of European Parliament (MEP) and former Ambassador to North Macedonia, Aleksandar Yordanov, aimed at the Macedonian people, President Pendarovski says they are not befitting a diplomat and MEP.

Милионите жртви и ужасот од холокаустот нè потсетуваат на нашата заедничка историска одговорност да градиме демократски општества во кои антисемитизмот, антициганизмот и расизмот никогаш нема

"This is not only a lack of elementary upbringing but a blatant form of hate speech unprecedented in the history of Macedonian-Bulgarian relations. Unfortunately, territorial claims and denial of the Macedonian nation have become a daily routine," says Pendarovski in a written statement and expects timely and proper response by official Sofia.

Regarding the vandalism at the Macedonian culture club "Nikola Vapcarov" in Blagoevgrad over the weekend, Pendarovski says such crime is not a European value and should be condemned, in parallel with identifying and punishing perpetrators.

Претседателот на Владата на Република Северна Македонија, Димитар Ковачевски денеска ќе ја посети компанијата „Метро“ лоцирана во индустриската зона Ќојлија.

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski strongly condemned the vandalism in the club, saying such acts do not correspond to the agreed policy of enhancing goodneighborly relations, mutual respect and friendship. 

"I expect Bulgarian authorities to swiftly identify and sanction perpetrators, and condemn the incident. North Macedonia will continue its commitment to strengthening the diplomatic and positive agenda between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, in the spirit of the European values," PM Kovachevski wrote in a Facebook post.