• Saturday, 29 June 2024

Preferential electricity price for food industry companies scrapped, price of bread capped at Mden 33

Preferential electricity price for food industry companies scrapped, price of bread capped at Mden 33

Skopje, 28 February 2023 (MIA) – The preferential electricity price for companies from the food industry is set to be scrapped, while the price of white and semi-white bread will be frozen, so as not to exceed Mden 33, the government decided on Tuesday.


This was announced by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at a joint press conference Tuesday with the Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi.


Kovachevski said that enough time has passed since the adoption of the last set of anti-crisis measures, and some of the companies from the food industry have failed to reduce the prices of their products. This was determined by inspection controls.


He noted that the government support measures were not introduced so that certain individuals can benefit from them and get rich, but for the sole aim of lowering the prices of basic food products and helping the citizens.


“I will not allow unjustified price increases. Although the food industry companies were receiving subsidized electricity, they did not reduce the prices of their products or did so insignificantly. While others reduced their prices by seven to 12 percent. Which is why, at today’s session, we scrapped the preferential electricity price measure. The producers of food products will receive electricity in line with the Law on Energy and the regulations regarding the supply of electricity. We are also freezing the price of bread at Mden 33,” said Kovachevski.


Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi noted that the food industry companies will no longer receive subsidized electricity as of April 1. ad/nn/