• Saturday, 05 October 2024

PM Kovachevski expects fruitful discussion on constitutional amendments and cross-party consensus over country's Euro-integration

PM Kovachevski expects fruitful discussion on constitutional amendments and cross-party consensus over country's Euro-integration

Skopje, 19 July 2023 (MIA) - Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Wednesday he expects a fruitful discussion and constructive debate on the constitutional amendments, but also cross-party consensus for continuation of the country's European integration.

"The Government issued a press release yesterday and published the full text of the draft-initiative for constitutional amendments, which has been forwarded to the Parliament. In line with its procedures, the Parliament will first proceed through the Constitutional Committee and then at a plenary session. The tempo and completion of our European integration path now depends on us and the decisions we make," PM Kovachevski told reporters.

Премиерот Димитар Ковачевски истакна дека околу уставните измени очекува да има плодна дискусија, конструктивна расправа и оти ќе има надпартиски консензус за продолжување на европската интег

He said the constitutional amendments do not touch upon any issue related to identity.

"They were released yesterday and there was not a single negative comment in media reports. We are a multiethnic, multiconfessional society that serves as a model in Europe. I believe our 120 MPs will have the vision, the virtue and the courage to take a decision that results in the country's European integration, thus securing a better European future for current and future generations," said Kovachevski.

Photo: MIA archive/ Facebook screenshot