• Thursday, 04 July 2024

Pavle Trajanov re-elected as leader of Democratic Union

Pavle Trajanov re-elected as leader of Democratic Union

Skopje, 28 April 2024 (MIA) - At the seventh Congress of the Democratic Union, attended by over 400 delegates and guests, the party's Central Council, consisting of 80 members, was elected. Pavle Trajanov was re-elected as president.

As reported by the Democratic Union, the Congress has adopted a call urging citizens to participate in the changes, stressing the importance of fundamental reforms and personnel revitalization.

“In these elections, the decision will be made on whether to embed values into the system, which, regardless of the authorities, will ensure the establishment of a dignified and modern European state, a state of free and creative citizens, proud of themselves and the nation they belong to and are building. Macedonia must succeed; it is our duty and commitment to future generations. To be or not to be, that is for you, the citizens, to decide! Exercise your right to vote and shape the future of Macedonia - democratic, free, strong, and respected by all,” as reported by the Democratic Union.

During the Congress, Trajanov stressed that the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections will decide whether we will endure as an independent, sovereign, and autonomous state, whether changes will occur leading to the establishment of a democratic and European country, or whether we will decline into corruption, destruction, and the erosion of fundamental values.

Trajanov also spoke about the priorities of the Democratic Union, particularly highlighting the need for fundamental constitutional changes, including a new Constitution. He emphasized the importance of implementing a new strategy to combat serious crime and high-level corruption, as well as enacting legislation to establish an independent agency to address these issues. Additionally, he stressed the importance of unblocking the Euro integration processes through building broad political and civic consensus on key reforms, such as security system restructuring, promoting a free-market economy, ensuring free healthcare and education, and creating opportunities for young people to stay in Macedonia.

He called on congress delegates, party members, and supporters of the Democratic Union, along with all citizens, to come out in large numbers on May 8 and vote for the presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, and for the MP candidates from the VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition “Your Macedonia.”

Photo: Democratic Union