• Monday, 24 June 2024

Over 40 surveillance cameras checked, more than 15 police interviews carried out in connection with doctor's murder

Over 40 surveillance cameras checked, more than 15 police interviews carried out in connection with doctor's murder

Skopje, 25 March 2024 (MIA) - Over 40 surveillance cameras have been checked, including footage from the "Safe City" system, and police interviews have been held with more than 15 people in connection with the case of the doctor who was found dead with multiple stab wounds at the parking lot in front of the Zhelezara polyclinic last Thursday.

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) says additional forensic examination of the vehicle is being carried out, as well as analysis of phone calls received. 

"The investigation is at an advanced stage. The Violent Crime Unit at the Skopje police, in cooperation with the Public Prosecutor's Office, is intensively working to clear up the case," the MoI said. 

A sixty-seven-year old doctor was found dead with multiple stab wounds in his vehicle last week. He was found by his sons who started looking for him after he did not return home from work.

Private General Practitioners (GPs) suspended work between noon and 4 p.m. on Monday in a show of revolt, demanding stringent punitive measures for the perpetrators of violence against health workers, while the doctors' chamber on Friday condemned the murder of the doctor, urging competent institutions to immediately resolve the case. Health Minister Ilir Demiri condemned the incident on Monday urging authorities to carry out the investigation.  

Photo: MIA archive